For over 60 years, we have actively engaged our members in Jewish life. And each year we grow stronger because of the involvement and generosity of our members. We are there for each other in our quiet moments of grief and our moments of celebration. All of us together create an inclusive, joyous and engaging community that moves our Jewish traditions forward for generations to come.
As the only Conservative synagogue in the greater Long Beach area, TBS is committed to Jewish tradition, while also recognizing the wonderful diversity of modern life. Our membership includes singles, teens, young couples, families, gay and lesbian households, empty nesters, and seniors. We enthusiastically welcome interfaith couples and families as well as those considering associating with the Jewish community.
TBS teems with activity as we mark the rhythms of the Jewish year. We offer beautiful and participatory High Holiday services, a festive Sukkah dinner, and lively Simchat Torah and Purim celebrations.
We welcome you with all your passion, energy and interests to become a part of our unique community.
Dima Galkin